Having never played or cared about Asssassin's creed, I was hoping that there would be at least SOMETHING related to cannabis in "Assassin's Weed". The title's a little bit misleading.
But, to be fair, I'll let you know what I thought of the animation, rather than whine about my expectations. The voice acting was alright, but you could work on the pacing a little. I wasn't too sure if the purple bird was talking since it used the EXACT same voice as the Assassin who was talking moments earlier, but I assumed it was due to the wacky tweening that was slapped on to it. The animation wasn't phenominal, but I gotta give you respect for avoiding the "paper doll" effect and actually drawing the assassin more than once.
Decent movie, congrats on the front page. Maybe google for a rhyming dictionary next time, because there was nothing "weed" about this movie.